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June 12, 2024

Somewhere Over the Rainbow-Colored Logo

Once again, the vibrant celebration of Pride Month has arrived! Throughout June, a kaleidoscope of color floods digital spaces. This comes as companies eagerly embrace the iconic rainbow flag that has become an emblem of diversity, inclusion, and tolerance.

Storefronts transform into dazzling displays of solidarity, adorned with radiant flags fluttering proudly in the breeze. Streets come alive with the rhythm of lively parades, where glittering company-sponsored floats glide through cheering crowds, spreading joy and acceptance with every glittering stride.

But perhaps the most thrilling aspect of Pride Month is the countdown it ignites—the ticking clock marking the fleeting existence of these rainbow-hued tributes. At the stroke of midnight on July 1st, the vibrant colors vanish, leaving behind a sense of anticipation and longing until they resurface in all their glory the following June.

Indeed, Pride Month is not just a fleeting moment in time; it's a jubilant crescendo of unity and empowerment, reminding us to embrace our differences and celebrate love in all its forms. So let the countdown begin, as we cherish every moment until June comes back around!

Rainbow 4

One thing both organizations and audiences aim to avoid during this time is “rainbow washing.” This concept, also known as “pride-for-profit,” occurs when an organization uses Pride Month as a marketing opportunity rather than genuinely supporting the LGBTQ+ community.

Rather than partaking in rainbow-washing, organizations can view June as an opportunity to value and appreciate their queer employees and stakeholders. By truly engaging with and supporting the community, companies, like 4G Clinical, can continue to build authentic connections that resonate more deeply with audiences. After all, solidarity begins from within a company. Please consider the following testimonies from some of our 4G peers.

“I joined 4G in August 2019. Transitioning through college, 4G was the first place where I was employed as my authentic self. In my previous job, I worked with another trans person who faced constant discrimination. This experience made me fearful of returning to the workforce after college, anticipating similar challenges on my journey of self-discovery.

However, two or three months after graduating, I applied to 4G. During the interview process, I met with my current supervisor and several others within the company. I was hired on the spot, pending background checks. Since then, I have attended various 4G meet-up events and felt a profound sense of belonging. These experiences have thankfully dispelled my initial fears, making me feel more like family rather than an outcast.

Over the nearly five years I have been with 4G, I have encountered a diverse array of colleagues from all walks of life. This includes individuals who identify as men, women, non-binary, trans, gay, straight, ace, and many others. The company’s global reach and inclusive culture have fostered an environment where everyone is encouraged to be unapologetically themselves. I have witnessed unparalleled support, with LGBT colleagues openly expressing their love and encouragement for others within the company to stand up and be proud of who they are.

I believe that sharing individual experiences fosters understanding. As a trans person, I am happy to share my personal views and experiences as a long-time team member at 4G. I am fully aware that people are naturally curious, and acceptance often stems from understanding.”

“I had the good fortune to meet my best friend, who is now my wife, during our university years. Ours was one of those relationships that seemed evident to everyone before we even realized it ourselves. However, upon relocating to the UK, I found myself hesitant to openly discuss our relationship. When I did broach the subject, I often opted for gender-neutral terms like 'my partner' and 'they,' fearing potential discrimination due to our same-sex status. Despite these initial reservations, we've now cherished five wonderful years of marriage.

Upon joining 4G, I was pleasantly surprised by its inclusive atmosphere. Here, individuals proudly share their preferred pronouns and are embraced for who they are. It was a relief to realize that I no longer needed to conceal my true self or the fact that I am married to an extraordinary woman.

The culture at 4G is incredibly supportive. Sexual orientation and gender identity are viewed simply as facets of one's identity, no more remarkable than the color of one's hair or eyes. Introducing one's same-sex partner garners no more reaction than introducing any other significant other; they are welcomed with open arms into the 4G family. Whether celebrating births, adoptions, marriages, or other life events, everyone is treated with equal regard.

It's remarkable, in its own way, that acceptance isn't something actively strived for at 4G Clinical - it's simply the norm.”.

While we pride ourselves on fostering a welcoming environment, we acknowledge that our efforts are ongoing. This month gives us another opportunity to prove 4G’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

We go beyond celebrating pride month when it comes to supporting our team. Pride month gives us the opportunity to reflect that at 4G Clinical inclusion is not a trend......
... It’s a way of life.


With thanks to Will Gately, Siobhan McKenna Power, Autumn Silveri and Spencer English

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