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Trial Trends Podcast

Trial Trendsest un podcast (en Anglais) stimulant qui raconte des histoires souvent ignorées : aborder de grandes idées, remettre en question le statu quo et mettre en lumière des perspectives sur le monde en évolution rapide des essais cliniques.

Rencontrez les hôtes de Trial Trends

Les hôtes de Trial Trends™, Libbi Rickenbacher et Kathleen Greenough ont plus de 30 ans d'expérience combinée dans l'industrie, avec une expertise couvrant l'ensemble de la suite eclinical.


Senior Director, Product Strategy & Partnerships


VP, Biotech Customer Operations


Senior Director, Product Strategy & Partnerships

Libbi Rickenbacher, Sr. Director of Product Strategy and Partnerships, has over 15 years of experience in the field of life sciences and is an e-clinical RTSM solutions subject matter expert. Her experience lies in building and managing accounts, clients, and strategic initiatives. She holds a BA in both Neuroscience and Psychology and a Doctorate (PhD) in Neuroscience.


VP, Biotech Customer Operations

Kathleen Greenough, Vice President of Biotech Customer Operations at 4G Clinical, has 16 years of experience in life sciences spanning Clinical Operations, Finance, and IT. Her wide range of solutions implementation expertise includes RTSM, CTMS, trial costing tools, OLAP financial suites and patient enrollment planning. Kathleen has also spent many years as a Clinical Financial Planner and Analyst at a major biotech in Cambridge, MA, gaining a broad and deep understanding of the challenges inherent in Clinical Development. Specializing in software adoption and a frequent speaker at industry conferences, Kathleen is most in her element when working within a user community to facilitate solutions that are insightful and truly helpful.

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